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Has anyone done any research as to how long whole flaxseeds need to be boiled for safety if added directly to boiling water? The traditional recommendation of one to two hours seems to be unnecessarily long, given that enzymes are proteins that are denatured by heat. Are there additional antinutrient factors that this practice is designed to reduce?


I am not aware of research that describes how long it takes to denature the enzymes that are responsible for cyanide production, but in understanding the nature of enzymes, denaturing would probably be immediate as they come in contact with the high temperature of the boiling water.
The reason for boiling for extended periods of time probably has more to do with softening the hard outer shell to improve digestibility than denaturing enzymes.

A more interesting question to some would be what effect does boiling have on the omega-3 fatty acids (linolenic acid), which are so beneficial to the horse. Research has shown that linolenic acid is able to withstand temperatures up to 350o F (177o C) for up to two hours without harm.


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